English-CBES Board(Class 11-English MCQ Questions Set/6 Sample Test,Sample questions

A person who is always dissatisfied





A restrictive clause is one that

1.usually occurs at the beginning of a sentence

2.should be set off by commas

3.limits the meaning of the word it describes

4.functions as an adverb

Be the embodiment or perfect example of





Correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.The main failings were of conception and a political willingness to settle _________ easy options. _______________ the expansive declarationsof the need to maintain effective security of all nuclear materials _______________ includes nuclear materials used in nuclear weapons  thesummits narrowed their _______________ to civilian holdings __________________ non­nuclear weapon states. the summits narrowed their ______________





Correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.The main failings were of conception and a political willingness to settle _________ easy options. _______________ the expansive declarationsof the need to maintain effective security of all nuclear materials _______________ includes nuclear materials used in nuclear weapons  thesummits narrowed their _______________ to civilian holdings __________________ nonç’¶uclear weapon states.The main failings were of conception and a political willingness to settle _________ easy options.





Five statements are given below labelled A B C D and E among these four statements are in logical order and form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options choose the option that does not fit into the theme of the passage.

1.The global cooperation that has emerged lately is certainly welcome.

2.The ocean has suffered decades of abuse and neglect.

3.It has been treated as a free-for-all garbage bin and race-to-the-bottom buffet.

4. We have financed its destruction with no regard for the consequences.

Give me a word that means the opposite of dull?




4. All of the above

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.It is revealing that the gender divide in cognition levels worsens with rise in age as girls are often compelled to (drop in) of school for a variety of reasons.

1.drop at

2.drop out

3.drop of

4.No improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.My brother is indifferent (about) whatever I say.




4.No improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.The Chairman (send in) all the right signals and we can only hope that his trip will result in rich dividends.

1.send out

2.sent of

3.sent out

4. No improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.The footballers (has been) arguing with the coach since morning.


2.had been

3.have been

4.no improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.The granaries of India are trapped in a dangerous vicious cycle of input use where increased dumping of fertiliser in the wrong combinations (has rendered) the soil incapable of regenerating itself which in turn escalates input use.

1.have rendered

2.is rendered

3.had render

4.No improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.There is a compelling case for privatising the airline and freeing (locked at) funds for education and health.

1.locked of

2.locked on

3.locked up

4.No improvement

Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.We (has finished) our lunch half an hour ago.


2.will have finished

3.had finished

4.No improvement

Improve the given sentence if necessary.He decided to take the help of a guide lest he may miss the way.

1.he should miss

2.he will miss

3.he might fail to see

4.No improvement

Improve the given sentence if necessary.No sooner had he completed his first novel than he fell seriously ill.

1.he had completed

2.could he completed

3.he completed

4.No improvement

Ornate is the opposite of





Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any partFor young Donald(a) peace in Vietnam(b) was almost terrible as war(c). No error.(d)





Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives. It is a labour of love and the result of painstaking research. Chikankari - A Lucknawi Tradition by Paola Manfredi an Italian is a book that shows her close and long association with the craft. Lucknow s chikankari is known across the world yet very little research or documentation has been done. Articles or features have appeared off and on but this book is amongst the first of its kind which aims to document the vast treasure called Chikan. What makes the book extremely interesting is that unlike other books that tend to rely on second hand material with exhaustive references and quotes Paola Manfredi has filled her tome with passionate grass-roots level research. The narrative more in the nature of a personal journey with all the quirks and street-smart practicality makes the book refreshing. As Paola says in the book it is not a scholarly or academic research but more of a documentation of the world of chikankari.Paola questions the use of chikan as a word for embroidery highlighting that it has a broader connotation encompassing haute couture the fine art of making a garment embroidering it and finishing it with finesse. She is no stranger to chikankari having worked with SEWA and several craftsmen. Her love for white on white embroidery also found a calling in chikan. Paola came to India to work in textile exports and as she says  If you like textiles ... India is a heaven an inexhaustible treasure trove.  Why did Paola come to India?

1.To visit Lucknow

2.To write a book

3.To study chikankari

4.To work in textile exports

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives. Many plays and films have depicted the life story of Gautama Buddha but what made the musical play The Way Across unique was its regional focus. Directed by G. Kumara Swamy the play adapted from the book Telangana lo Buddhism focused on the enlightenment of a cursed Brahmin Bawari and his 16 curious disciples willing to understand the deeper truths of birth death rebirth and brotherhood. From the impressive use of projector visuals music and shadow-play there was every effort to lend authenticity to the theme. Despite the play s focus on Telangana the native essence was compromised due to the English rendition (done for a wider reach). The lines appeared jaded with literal translations. The honest performances from the crew impacted only on a surface-level. Kiran Kumar s Bawari act and Krishna Chaitanya Joshi as Pingiya (said to have propagated Buddhism from Telangana to several regions across South India) grab your attention. What was sacrificed to keep the play in English?

1.A wider audience


3.Depiction of reality

4.A bit of native essence

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives. The flora and fauna of Cubbon Park captures our attention more than anything else. But when you take time to look closely at the statue you will marvel at its sheer grandeur. Sculpted by Sir Thomas Brock the 11 feet high marble statue is larger than life. It brings out the personality of Queen Victoria who had been the Monarch of Great Britain from 1837 till 1901 depicting a rather proud stern person with pronounced features.In 1906 the statue was unveiled in the city by George Frederick Ernest Albert Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall and York making it stand in all its glory in its 111th year. Even though there is a wealth of history to the statue and it was made to appear imposing the busy Bengalureans would probably refer to it as just another landmark. As the workers are busy in discussion on the instructions given to them life continues as usual in the Park.How many people unveiled the Queen Victoria statue at Cubbon Park?





Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.Everyone expected Mary Zophres to win for her retro-revival Technicolor clothes in La La Land - the eventual winner Colleen Atwood for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them seemed surprised too. But as other awards began to slip away from the well-reviewed musical a theme could be teased out. What is Fantastic Beasts if not a plea for equal treatment of people magical or otherwise? Then Arrival a film about the inherent benignity of aliens (read immigrants) won for Best Sound Editing. Hacksaw Ridge which is in a way an anti-guns movie won in two categories. Fences about an African-American father who fears racial discrimination took home the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Earlier Moonlight featuring two minority communities (black and gay) won for Best Supporting Actor. This turned out to be one of those years the Oscar voter was underestimated. As a majority of voters are actors there was the tendency to think they d reward La La Land a celebration of creation: the heroine wants to make movies the hero wants to make jazz. It looked like the year of The Artist all over again. Which movie for sure won two awards?




4.Hacksaw Ridge

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.Prebiotics are the lesser-known gut-health promoters which serve as food for good bacteria inside the gut. We found that dietary prebiotics can improve non-REM (random eye movement) sleep as well as REM sleep after a stressful event said Robert Thompson a PhD researcher at University of Colorado Boulder in the U.S. Prebiotics are dietary fibres found naturally in foods like artichokes raw garlic leeks and onions.When beneficial bacteria digest prebiotic fibre they not only multiply improving overall gut health but they also release metabolic by-products. Researchers fed three-week-old male rats a diet of either standard chow or chow that included prebiotics. They then monitored the rats  body temperature gut bacteria and sleep-wake cycles — using electroencephalogram (EEG) or brain activity testing over time. Findings revealed that the rats on the prebiotic diet spent more time in non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep which is restful and restorative than those on the non-prebiotic diet.How are metabolic by-products released?

1.When good bacteria help sleep

2.When good bacteria digest dietary fibres

3.When gut becomes rich in nutrients

4.After recovery from stress due to sleep

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.The flora and fauna of Cubbon Park captures our attention more than anything else. But when you take time to look closely at the statue you will marvel at its sheer grandeur. Sculpted by Sir Thomas Brock the 11 feet high marble statue is larger than life. It brings out the personality of Queen Victoria who had been the Monarch of Great Britain from 1837 till 1901 depicting a rather proud stern person with pronounced features.In 1906 the statue was unveiled in the city by George Frederick Ernest Albert Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall and York making it stand in all its glory in its 111th year. Even though there is a wealth of history to the statue and it was made to appear imposing the busy Bengalureans would probably refer to it as just another landmark. As the workers are busy in discussion on the instructions given to them life continues as usual in the Park.Which of the following is false regarding the Queen Victoria statue in Bengaluru?

1.It is made of marble

2.It is 11 feet tall

3.It is 111 years old

4.It is standing in Queen Victoria park

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.Tryst with Destiny was a speech delivered by Jawaharlal Nehru the first Prime Minister of independent India to the Indian Constituent Assembly in Parliament on 14th August 1947. It is considered to be one of the greatest speeches of all times and to be a landmark oration that captures the essence of the triumphant culmination of the largely non­violent Indian independence struggle against the British Empire in India.Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge not wholly or in full measure but very substantially. Freedom and power bring responsibility. The responsibility rests upon the assembly a sovereign body representing the sovereign people of India. The service of India means the service of the millions who suffer. It means the ending of poverty and ignorance and disease and inequality of opportunity. We cannot encourage communalism or narrow­mindedness for no nation can be great whose people are narrow in thought or in action.To the people of India whose representatives we are this is no time for petty and destructive criticism no time for ill will or blaming others. We have to build the noble mansion of free India where all her children may dwell. The most dominant voice in the speech is

1.the voice of optimism

2.the voice of surrender

3.the voice of negligence

4.the voice of weakness

Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order. P: But the achievements of science have not come to man as a ripe apple falls in the lap of a man sitting under an apple tree.Q: Science is not just the result of observation and experience.R: It is on the other hand  the result of centuries of hard work done by man even at the risk of his own life or health.S: There is no doubt that science has been the greatest boon to man so far.





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order. P: Taking this as a small example we need to set-up an action plan on a war-footing.Q: Our country had earlier faced the problem with our neighbours backed defense hackers jamming our troop movement communication system giving false commands and creating a situation of uncertainty.R: But our planning and implementation gap has always been unpardonably long.S: The National Security Council is already in touch with server ministries like home defense communication oil and natural gas etc. to draw up plans.





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order. P: The English developed transport and communication on modern lines.Q: They established the first printing press and newspaper in India.R: One of the most beneficial results of the British rule was the modernization of India.S: The Press further developed later to inform and educate the masses about the British exploitation of India.





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order. P: When one gets solved or nears the solution other starts raising its ugly head.Q: Threats to our nation building processes are increasing day by day.R: Tougher punishments should be provided for them in order to weed them out completely.S: The need of the day is to go for integrated approach with taking steps to solve the poverty illiteracy and population problems along with tough steps and stern action against the terrorists.





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order. The idea wasP-to spend as little moneyQ-while avoiding loss of livesR-as possible





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order. This means that forP-making a significant dentQ-have to grow at a faster rateR-in poverty rural incomes





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.Accepting that one formP-of price discrimination is okay opensQ-the door to all other formsR-of discrimination as well





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.Gone are the daysP-about foreign trade and paymentsQ-and not really worriedR-when we could think of ourselves as a closed economy





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.So increasinglyP-paying to provide revenuesQ-for the Central governmentR-the poor have been





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.Your absence hasP-gone through meQ-through a needleR-like thread





Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct orderImagine the governmentP-were an investorQ-trying to maximize India s long-runR-economic growth





Select the antonym of abdicate





Select the antonym of astringe





Select the antonym of wary





Select the antonym ofappalling





Select the antonym ofsibilate





Select the antonym ofstupor





Select the antonym ofto lament

1.to deplore

2.to bawl

3.to laud

4.to bemoan

Select the synonym ofrepentance





Select the synonym ofto lash

1.to endear

2.to fondle

3.to chastise

4.to snuggle

Small most nearly means





Solely means





Strong language often means

1.strong feelings

2.weak feelings

3.shared knowledge


That which cannot be conquered -





The comparative form of adjectives compares

1.more than two things or people.

2.the past to the present.

3.two things or people

4.at least a dozen different times.


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  127. English Fill in the blanks set 1
  128. English Fill in the blanks Set-2
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